Five Easy Ways to Increase Your Social Media Influence in Five Minutes a Day



It all starts with you and what you want to achieve from social media. And it’s not all about quantity! It’s about reaching those quality followers and fans that having seen your value will, as a result, follow and share your vision.

By implementing these five simple steps I guarantee you’ll experience a positive effect on your social media following. One that adds value and inspiration to others, whilst boosting your social influence significantly as a result.”

Get a Google+ account and join some relevant communities.

If you’ve already got a Google account then joining Google+ is as easy as clicking on the + link beside your profile name, uploading a picture and entering some info about yourself, your business – or both. Once you’ve joined you’ll soon see that Google+ is all about conversations between communities of passionate people. Unlike other social media platforms, Google+ allows you to immediately connect with people who are specifically interested in the same things as you via their Communities feature. This makes it incredibly easy to share (and find) great content and links, whilst increasing the visibility of yourself, your business and your brand in a way that adds real value to your social audience.

Piggyback on Twitter Trending Topics

Joining the conversation by piggybacking on a trending topic, using the appropriate Twitter hashtag, is a great way to increase your social visibility by sharing your knowledge and value when it comes to keeping up to speed on a particular subject. It’s also possible (character-pending) to include links to other sources relating to the topic that, again will, impact positively on your social influence.

Source Great Content

Great content curation is ‘where it’s at’ in effective social media follower growth. The high-rollers know that they need to stay ahead of the game by posting the latest news, views, photos and all manner of viral media to their audience. Favorite curation tools of mine include StumbleUponFlipboardFeedly and Storify.

Endorse and Recommend your connections on LinkedIn

Endorsements make it easy to put in a positive word for a LinkedIn connection without writing a recommendation. But if you feel you need more recommendations on your profile, consider asking an endorser if he or she would be able to write you a recommendation. An endorsement is a good starting point because you know the endorser thinks highly of your work and, as a result, others will too.

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

These days people like to receive their content in bite-sized nuggets that have instant impact. Keeping it short and concise and using the power of imagery to reinforce a post or tweet is a great way to grab attention and maximize the number of shares you’re likely to receive.

So, these are a few of the social media tricks of the trade that I use every day. I’d love to hear more of what works for you so please leave a comment and don’t forget to share this article if you’ve found it useful 🙂

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