Changing The Job Market One Tweet At A Time – Bob Warren (@BobWarren)


My next Twitter Superstar is one who just I just had to feature in my new book.  It’s none other than Bob Warren (@BobWarren) a man who’s totally passionate about his social media endeavours and whose success story just had to be told. 

The first thing you notice about Bob Warren’s Twitter presence is how his personal brand message leaps out at you in everything he tweets about.  His tweets ooze personality; one that’s vibrant, charismatic and, above all, passionate about his latest venture, ResumeBear, a unique online service for jobseekers that puts them well and truly in control of their career endeavors.   

Bob joined Twitter in 2008, shortly after having launched ResumeBear.  He was thrilled and excited about the change he could make to others in terms of job search empowerment and wanted to get the word out to as many people as possible.  He recalls:

“Things were going well but we needed a better way to get the word out about how fantastic our product was for job seekers. A friend of mind said “Hey Bob you should really check out Twitter.” I was already a big time social media user and so immediately I saw the power of the Twitter platform.”


Bob envisioned connecting with thousands of people who would be able to experience the benefits of ResumeBear and to then spread the word through their own followers.  It was a light-bulb moment and one that he hasn’t looked back from.

With the help of Twitter, the ResumeBear blog has grown to be one of the most popular and important blogs for job seekers and career development. Bob has embraced the fact that people bond best with things that fill a need or serve a purpose in their life.  He realizes that you can’t just tweet the address to a static website and expect people to click on it but, if you provide fresh content and ideas that people enjoy reading through CPP tweeting, then your following on Twitter will increase and your blog traffic will rise.

Bob’s clever mix of content has made his personal brand Twitter show one that continues to grow in popularity: 

“If you are providing good content, then people will retweet your posts. We have a blog article that has been retweeted 140,000 times. That is 140,000 people that liked an article enough to share it with all their friends and followers. That is the power of Twitter! This would have never happened if the content on your Twitter show wasn’t amazing.  Make your tweets relevant to your followers. Provide information people want and they will follow you.”

Bob is on Twitter a lot! You can see by his total tweets (62,000 and counting) that he never goes long without tweeting or acknowledging those who retweet him or sharing news that he feels his followers will enjoy: 

“I always find the time to spread the retweet love for friends.  It’s this sharing that keeps of the heart of Twitter constantly beating”

In essence, with Bob, what you see is what you get.  He’s real, and the man behind the brand shines out in every tweet he sends.


Taken from Follow Me! Creating a Personal Brand with Twitter (Wiley 2013) by Sarah-Jayne Gratton.  Click here to order your copy now!